Couples Therapy in Amherst, MA and Austin, TX
Do you ask yourself, “where did the love go” or “how can I have a relationship that I want?” You may feel that your relationship is too hard or you may feel hopeless that change is possible.
You may yearn for a time when the relationship was fulfilling, supportive and passionate. I am a firm believer that issues in relationship can be solved if both partners are willing to do the work in couples therapy. Financial problems, communication issues, intimacy challenges, and conflicts around raising children can be overcome with new skills in communication, deeper understanding of your partner’s triggers, better ways to manage stress, and a renewed feeling of safety in your relationship.
I love working with couples! I have advanced training and experience in a model that softens and opens each partner to connection, getting needs met, intimacy and healthy dependency.
I believe that everyone has the capacity for fulfilling, intimate relationships. Often it is childhood trauma and neglect and how we adapted to survive that is playing out in your relationship. I can help you and your partner see how you are each interacting in a dance of defense and how you can dance in a different way.
I offer a safe and supportive environment for you and your partner to explore and work through challenges and growth areas. The counseling process is tailored made to meet your specific needs.
Call me today for a free 15-minute consultation and a start to a fulfilling and strong partnership! 512-333-4820.

Are You Experiencing:
- The pain of constant arguing about matters that don't get resolved
- A dissatisfying sex life where your needs don’t get met
- A breakdown in communication
- Feeling that your emotions and needs don't matter
- Fighting about money, family issues
- Work/life imbalance
- Emotionally growing apart
- Infidelity and mistrust
- Lack of compassion or affection
- Criticism, hostility or resentment
In Couples Counseling You Can Have:
- Tools to bring you and your partner to calm
- Closeness and intimacy that comes from a safe and trusting relationship
- Open, honest and respectful communication where you feel understood
- Renewed sexual vitality with your partner
- Shared meaning, purpose and vision for your life together
- Stronger relationships with your children as a result of a strong partnership
You may experience that the challenges in your relationship are played out over and over again like a continuous loop. Whether they are issues with extended family, money or work/life balance, you find yourself back again in the same argument. Many times the problem is not such much the content of your argument (money, household chores, children) that drives this replaying pattern, but a deeper need that is not expressed between you and your partner (“I need space"; “I don’t feel understood"; "I need to know that you will be there when I reach out").

I am a firm believer and advocate that a strong marriage equals a strong family. When the parents feel strong in their relationship with intimacy, fun, commitment and abiding love, the children feel safe. And when the children feel safe, they can be less apt to fight or defy. As a couples therapist and as a father and husband, I have seen how secure bonding in the couple leads to improved parent-child relations.
Call me today for a free 15-minute consultation about your relationship at 512-333-4820.